Central Delaware Photographer

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Welcome to the New Blog

My goal is to Blog more as a photographer. This will hopefully clear up the Facebook fan page & keep all of my lovely fans up-to-date on all the specials, events & helpful information. I would love to hear some things you would like to see. I have already made plans for posting research on what to wear for shoots & things like that.

I am also happy to announce that I am finally stepping on the other side of the camera. I have been advise that I am not only selling my photography but myself as well. So I am getting a make-over from the one & only Dana Hess who will also assist me on taking my own head shots. I am in desperate need of a new look anyway & this should be lots of fun.

This is also where I will be uploading my I heart faces posts. This blog will be everything related to my photography! I hope you enjoy.

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