The wonderful Dana Suggs motivated me to go do something for this week's challenge and then helped me pick out which image to use. She rocks! She has not only taught me photography stuff but has shown me that there are people really willing to help you. That can be hard to find when everyone believe the other is a competitor. I not only found a great mentor but an awesome friend!! Thank you Dana! Now that I have embarrassed her this photo is of my kids being my kids. Katie wanted to read the book and he just wanted to kiss her... or eat her as it appears. She kept telling him, Ill kiss you but no tongue Ryan.
visit www.iheartfaces.com for more entries!
The wonderful Dana Suggs motivated me to go do something for this week's challenge and then helped me pick out which image to use. She rocks! She has not only taught me photography stuff but has shown me that there are people really willing to help you. That can be hard to find when everyone believe the other is a competitor. I not only found a great mentor but an awesome friend!! Thank you Dana! Now that I have embarrassed her this photo is of my kids being my kids. Katie wanted to read the book and he just wanted to kiss her... or eat her as it appears. She kept telling him, Ill kiss you but no tongue Ryan.